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Pastoral Leaders

 Heads of Year: 

Head of Year 7: Mr G Blain
Head of Year 8: Mr J Limon
Head of Year 9: Ms S Fraser
Head of Year 10: Mrs C Reid
Head of Year 11: Mr J Orton 
Head of Year 12 & Head of Year 13: Mr S Windsor
Sixth Form Progression & Pastoral Coordinator: Mrs G Saunders 

Pastoral Team:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs A Sharma
Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead: 
Ms M Bolashodun
Behaviour Manager: Mr J Howell
Pastoral/Behaviour Lead:  Mrs A George
Pastoral/Behaviour Lead:   Mrs H Kahlon 
Pastoral/Behaviour Lead:  Mrs M Titus
Attendance Officer: Mrs I Mustafa
School Counsellor:  Mr M Cleere 

Heads of House:

Director of Houses: Ms M Lord (Maternity Cover)
Head of Austen House: Mrs J Parmar (Maternity Cover)
Head of Brunel House: Miss P Clements
Head of Fiennes House: Ms M Lord 
Head of Newton House: Miss R Howarth
Head of Roddick House: Mr J Zohrabi-Redwood & Miss S Duddridge