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Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

    We understand the importance of making informed decisions, so we make sure our students have access to all the relevant information and opportunities to make those decisions.
We also acknowledge the need to start this process early.

Through workshops, events and PSHEC lessons, students start discussing options and careers in Year 7 and continue with their careers exploration throughout their time at West Hatch. In Year 8 and 9, they should have a basic idea about possible careers and options, but they will also start to focus on possible GCSE options. In Year 10 students will have a one-on-one Careers Meeting with Mr Towsey, as well attending various workshops and
drop-in sessions. Students will also take part in a two-week Work Experience. The focus then shifts to post-16 options when students are in Year 11. There is an opportunity to attend a Transition Day and events, such as the Apprenticeship Roadshow. When students join the Sixth Form they will work closely with Mrs Moore and
Mr Towsey to discuss all their possible options after Year 13. There will be a number of workshops and events based around Careers, Higher Apprenticeships and School Leaves Programme, but also a greater focus on the UCAS process and University applications.

At West Hatch, we have our own Careers Centre and Careers Leader. Our Careers Centre is open daily from 8.30am - 4.30pm. We run an ‘open door policy' for our Careers Centre, so (unless there is an interview in progress) students can come into the Careers Centre at any point and look through our resources or speak to Mr Towsey. Students can also make an appointment in person or via e-mail.

Contact details for Mr Towsey, Careers Leader:

tel: 020 8504 8216 ext. 1058  

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Team

  • Mr G. Towsey – Careers Leader 
  • Mrs I. Muscatt – Work Experience Coordinator
  • Mrs G. Saunders – UCAS Coordinator
  • Mr S. Langton – Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for CEIAG
  • Mrs R. De Friend – CEIAG and Employer Link Governor
We are pleased to be part of the Greater Essex Careers Hub 

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Roadmap

Below you will see 'The West Hatch Careers, Advice & Guidance Roadmap'; this provides a summary of our careers programme and what students' can expect each year they are at West Hatch. If you would like further information about our careers programme please contact Mr Towsey

We receive feedback on our careers programme during consultations with students. We measure and evaluate our overall CEIAG provision by completing a Compass evaluation, the results of which can be accessed by contacting Mr Towsey. 

We review our CEIAG provision, CEIAG Policy and Provider Access Policy on a yearly basis: the next review is due in December 2024. 

Feedback and Contributions 

We appreciate any feedback and contributions from Parents/Carers or employers, about our CEIAG provision at West Hatch. If you’ve got any comments, suggestions or would like to get involved with our CEIAG provision,
please email our Careers Leader, Mr G. Towsey (

Targeted Resources and Information

Please click on one of the following buttons, to access specific information or resources.  

Questions & Answers

If you've got a question about anything career-related, please get in contact and ask. You can either email or fill out this question form:

We respond to all questions, but if we think it might be relevant to others, we sometimes respond and publish the answer (without disclosing who asked or revealing any personal information).

Below you can see some of the questions we've received and some of our answers.     

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"The school prepares pupils well for their next steps. The careers programme is very well planned, including in the sixth form. Pupils get excellent opportunities to experience the world of work. They particularly appreciate the strong financial education they receive. The guidance they get helps them make sensible choices about their destinations after they leave school." - Ofsted, Nov. '23