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Back to School 2024 information

Monday 2nd September 2024       - INSET Day - School closed to pupils

Tuesday 3rd September 2024        - New Year 7 joiners and Year 12 in school
                                                            - Year 7 arrive for 8:40am and have a welcome meeting in the Sports Hall with                                                                     their parents.
                                                            - Year 12 arrive at 9:30am - go to the Main Hall for an assembly                  

Wednesday 4th September 2024  - All years are in school.
                                                            - Year 7-11 in for 8:40am start and will go to form.
                                                            -  Year 12s in for 10:00am and straight to Lesson 3
                                                            - Year 13s in for 9:20am and straight to an assembly

Please ask your child to check their Teams account before they return so they know what form they are in.